Sunday 7 July 2013

Mighty Mantelpiece...

Bonsoir tout le monde....

Where to start?.......another busy week in the Merchant-Locke homestead. I need to start campaigning for a 48hr day as I simply cannot get everything done on my lists (I use the plural as I am usually working from 2 or 3 at a time). There is always so much I want to acomplish but I shamefully never seem to. Hours merge into days, day to weeks and so on. I keep telling myself that I am a bad friend as I do not spend enough time just chewing the fat with my nearest and dearest. Then there is my poor mum who is lucky if she gets an audience once a month of late. When I was young, I remember excessive usage of the words "I'm bored" and now I cringe at the thought. My brain doesn't get time to consider the word. I'm bored has morphed into "I'm on project overload". 
Never mind, I suppose it keeps me out of mischief.

This week, the Internet became un petit source of inspiration as I came upon a lovely picture of  coloured glassware organised on a mantelpiece. I stupidly didn't save it and cannot find it since but the image was firmly rooted in my brain and I set out on a quest to recreate it myself. 

So armed with my trusty debit card, I set of to the charity shops in Downend in search of bargain glass pieces. I adore coloured glass in all shapes and sizes and luckily charity shops seem to stock them in abundance. I picked out about 9 pieces for my summer mantelpiece and added them to a couple of pieces that we had at home. The plan is to arrange them in colour order BUT I still need to find an orange and a purple piece ideally. Prices ranged from 75p to £3 and I am so pleased with them, some truly lovely little pieces. 

The picture below gives an idea of the sort of thing I want to achieve. A spectrum of colour from left to right in an array of shapes and sizes. The dog however has already brushed past one and put a chip in it....good job I think imperfections just increase the attractiveness.

Never live with a wolf.

Picture courtesy of Google. 

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