Sunday 14 July 2013

A uniformed society.....

The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hip hooray!

And along with soaring temperatures come soaring dress sales at work. The female of the species are out in abundance at present, searching out that perfect maxi dress for a cruise or a little cocktail dress for that summer wedding. It's a nice sight to see. Spirits are lifted and so are hemlines (not mine I hasten to add).

I have spent a fortune lately on uniform for work but then I just seem to love the product that is hitting down at the moment. But on the flip-side, there will be plenty of months where there is nothing that suits so the expenditure balances out thankfully.

The two dresses that follow are my current faves. They prompt lots of interest when worn and thankfully boost my sales a little. It really does make a difference when you wear the product, if I had the stock I could have sold the purple dress 50 times over. but it also helps that I love the uniform I have to wear.

It got me thinking about the concept of uniform and identity. When I spent my year in France teaching in a private school, all the kids there were hung up on designer clothes whereas in Blighty, our school children conform to a uniform for school. I used to love winding the kids up by saying that the headmaster is considering bringing in the UK system, they were horrified at the thought of wearing a uniform.

I have always loved wearing a uniform. It helps to define who you are and what you do.  And although these are not second hand or vintage, I do recycle a lot of my old uniform to the charity shops so they will be one day. It's the circle of life (well my life anyway).

This is the pink version but I also have the green. Of course. 

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