Monday 15 April 2013

Nice Jug!

Hi All....

I thought I would share with you a picture of my newest piece of glassware for Casa del Merlocke. A lovely little jug and bowl in a gorgeous emerald green glass for only £1. I love jugs as an alternative to flower vases but this is a little too small for flowers so it sits proudly in my bathroom that is our version of the Green Room (without Jonathan Ross thankfully).

Sunday 14 April 2013

Stars and Stripes

It's lovely when people get in touch to let me know what little treasures have crossed their path.

This beautiful striped skirt was found by a friend that lives in Lydney, just over the bridge. It was £5 from a charity shop but originally from Ralph Lauren, no less! Apparently it wasn't quite finished  off correctly around the bottom so she added the black satin edging herself and it looks great. It will no be proudly used for a 1950's evening at the Dean Heritage Centre

She won't mind me saying that she is a big fan of dressing up like myself but Mary takes it to a whole other level. She has some beautiful Victorian and Edwardian pieces in her collection (you can see one in the background). You could almost have a blog that was purely dedicated to her wardrobe! 

So we have the stripes and Mary truly is a charity shop "star". 

Saturday night at the movies...

Date night. Me, John, no kids,  a weekend off and a trip to the cinema.  I have been pestering John to accompany me to ye olde picture house to watch Oblivion, and last night he fulfilled his promise.  We spent a great day together which was just about the right mix of laziness and achievements. So we set off in the evening, haribo in hand, to be dazzled by the big screen.

I hope I can blame my lack of proper dressing up on my new job and just not having much time anymore, even on days off, or maybe I am just starting to appreciate that a ball gown isn't always necessary when popping out for a pint of milk (as was always my previous mantra).  I'm not sure what made me think of this outfit. I would never normally be caught dead in leggings but I though with a slouchy v-neck, maybe they were less scary. I don't think it looks too bad. The jumper was £3 from a charity shop, ironically it was originally from Wallis where I work. You cant really see it too well in the picture but it has a lovely gold flex running all through it and is really shiny. I've paired it up with some thick navy leggings, my £3 M&S distressed blue heels and my newly found bag that I mentioned in my last post. I was determined to use one of them last night.

The necklace is also from Wallis. It's on the large side, is very heavy and it doesn't sit quite right but I love it! It's almost like an Egyptian style choker but made out of colourful ribbons all entwined. 

Saturday 13 April 2013

Wow...I forgot I had that.......

Ok, those.

That is a statement that I seem to say an awful lot. I squirrel things away and stash things around the house (and we have a very small house). And then, when I least expect it, I come across some little find that puts a big smile on my face.

And this afternoon was one of those occasions. I was routing around inside some bags on top of the wardrobe and I found a bag of bags that I had forgotten about! All of them second-hand, all of them petit. The fact that I have just "re-found" them, obviously suggests that they have not been used in a while but I shall make a concerted effort to give them an airing some time soon. So I thought I would share some pics with all of you lovley thrifters....

Thursday 11 April 2013

Quick Change...

Life is full of changes, you never know what's around the corner. So, any opportunity for a quick change of clothing to suit, is a welcome one. Welcome for me anyway.

So after suggesting we take the kids out for tea, I rustled up a new outfit. It's rare for me to not wear anything second-hand but I think I may have just done it with this outfit. That said, everything was still a bargain. The jacket is from my beloved Marks and Spencer and was about £5 in the sale a couple of years back. Its so comfortable and quite a long length and of course its my colour of the moment. The jeans and cream vest are from Wallis and are ex-uniform. The cobalt shoes are also from work. Gorgeous colour, patent and a bow. The stuff that (shoe) dreams are made of! And as for the bag, that was in H&M in the sale for £7. I popped out on my lunch and I couldn't walk past the gorgeous peacock colour without going back for it.

To be honest I rarely go out on my lunch anymore. I usually just want to sit down and chill out but I had to pop out for a birthday card and I made the mistake of a little detour into the store. And I am glad I did, the colour is beautiful.

So there you have it. Not a dressy outfit but this peacock definitely shook her tail feather all the way to tea.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Green Day...

The sun is out! Thank The Lord. 

Now you should probably not plan your outfit around your handbag but I have never been one to conform to rules. Certainly not fashion ones and I wanted an excuse to show off my little Russell and Bromley handbag. This was £7 from the St Peters Hospice shop in Fishponds.  A bit expensive for a small bag but then as I have posted before, charity shops are wishing up to pricing, especially for branded goods. 

Te leather is so soft and I think it's a cute little bag. It matches my green cowboy boots perfectly. The velvet jacket, scarf and necklace are also second hand, as is the cream cashmere jumper underneath. The only  thing at isn't? My trusted skinnies from Wallis

Hidden treasure....

Hidden from John that is.

Isn't this dress beautiful. I'm still not sure how the owner could bear to part with it. I wouldn't have (but then I rarely get rid of anything as my long suffering husband will testify)

It's velvet with a dévoré v-shaped top.  It's just gorgeous. I found it on Etsy from Lions Mane Vintage  which is a lovely site with some gorgeous pieces. What's more, I didn't get stung this time for customs charges! Just need a night out now to show it off properly. 

It's is the lovely Rachel modelling the dress on her site. 

I am off to my beloved south of France on holiday in a couple of weeks so it will have to be on the packing list. It will look great on the campsite. Maybe not but it will look great at the Carlton Intercontinental for drinks! 

Happy Feet!

After nearly 20 years of obsessing over shoes and wearing them wether they are comfy or not, it is a real joy to actually put on a pair that feels amazing! I have never worn a comfier pair. 

Now it's been a while since I have bought any shoes (well, a while for me anyway). I had a particularly sleepless night earlier in the week which I blame for my petty extravagance. As much as I love my new job, I am finding that sleep is eluding me somewhat as I struggle to switch off. So after an hour and a half of wide-awareness, I gave up and got up. A cuppa, a read of my book and a play with the dog later, I logged onto Facebook in the hope of other night walkers. Nobody was awake unfortunately but some suggestions came through the next day as to how I could relax more. 

No tea, Kalms before bed and a nice bath were on the list. But my personal favourites were......yep you've guessed it........Shoe shopping. I have never been one to turn down helpful advice so the following day, I took myself off to the lovely village of Westbury-on-Trym for a bit of truffle hunting. And......I found these lovely toe warmers for £7, originally from Office. I shamefully cannot remember the particular charity that was behind this shop but it's always a joy to pop in. There is a gentleman that volunteers there that has some type of mental illness and I think you would honestly struggle to find a happier person. He is an absolute joy to talk to and makes visiting there a wonderful experience. 

Wednesday 3 April 2013

In the dog house....

I didn't fancy starting a big art project today, not after a very sleepless night so I decided to do something "petit". I bought these ceramic tiles from a reclamation centre a while back and have been waiting for inspiration to strike as to how to decorate them. I have hung this by the front door as you walk in, just above where Solo sleeps.

Just in case we need a reminder. 

Bag a bargain...


I have really missed doing my blog of late, I have been so busy with my new job that everything else ie: a life, has fallen by the wayside. But I am determined to make more time and get back to doing something I love. Having said that, I have been spending a lot of time lately doing art projects (another interest of mine) so it hasn't all been work, work, work, although it damn near feels like it.

Anyway, I am able to post this picture now  that a certain birthday has passed. I found this brand new, leather, Animal purse in a charity shop a few months back for £3 and I kept it for my stepdaughter's birthday (among other things). She has just turned 13 and is at that lovely age where she is getting into all things girlie whether that be makeup, bags or clothes. Ideal for a like-minded Stepmum.

I hope if she reads this that she won't mind it came from a charity shop.  She has been following me to a few vintage fairs of late so fingers crossed.

You've been framed....

Hello All.....

The walls of Casa Del Merlocke have yet again been garnished with more pictures (much to John's annoyance).  The print above was found in a charity shop in Fishponds last month and only cost 50p but I had to wait until payday to buy it an official "home" so that we could hang it up.It was actually taped up in the fitting room and I wasn't even sure it was for sale but the cashier let me have it for a tiny donation.  It has taken pride of place in the kitchen above our dining table (which is certainly messy when the kids come over!).  I love the wording and it is certainly fitting for our home since the Wolf moved in...."a house unkempt cannot be so distressing as a life unlived".  I'll keep telling myself that when I am vacuming up his dog hair and having a meltdown about the mess.

These two were bought last year and have been mentioned in a previous post but again, I had to buy some frames before they could take pride of place.  These frames were only £1.99 and the dark wood seemed to suit them quite well. I have hung them on the landing overlooking my mannequin.  One day they may be joined by the chaise longue that my Mother-in-Law has promised me. One day.