Sunday 2 June 2013

Petit Hibou

I am so proud if this....

My love of art is going from strength to strength, I just wish I was more interested years ago before I started suffering from RSI. Every piece takes its toll on my wrist in terms of pain but it's still worth it.

This little fella took about 3 hours to do. I just used different silver pens on black A3 card and bought a cheap frame. I am so pleased with the outcome, especially as its all freehand. I found the outline of an owl that I liked on google images and used that as my base, then just kept adding more detail bit by bit inside the shape. 

I love him. I have also created a peacock but that's not quite finished. Watch this space! 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful picture. It's good to have an artistic outlet; helps with stress, I find!
