Thursday 20 June 2013

Art Attack

Hi All.....

I am sad to say that it's been a difficult fortnight as we lost a beloved member of the family last Monday.  A fortnight of tears, memories, quiet thoughts and lots and lots of hugs. Death isn't really something that scares me but the death of someone close to me does. The void that is left behind for those to try and accept is possibly one of the hardest things that we ever have to contend with. Loss and loneliness equal the heartache and pain of any illness or disease that we may be faced with. You can take pills and treatments but you cannot bring someone back to life (not unless you are Superman and the victim in question is a perfectly cream-suited Lois Lane).

Anyway, not being in a shopping frame of mind, I passed up on bargain hunting to stay at home and do some art on my day off last week. I just felt like a quiet day at home.  And in the absence of a trip to any charity shops, I thought I would share a couple of drawings that I did.

Not sure how well this translates in the photo but it is in fact a peacock with its feathers draped around it. This one took about three hours in total over a period of time but I finished it finally last week. I usually scour the Internet for ideas of outlines and shapes to get me started and then I just add whatever detail I want inside the shape. 

I have to say, I am really enjoying some me time lately, just me and my weapon of choice.....a metallic silver pen. I am also secretly really proud of the finished pieces. They may have to wait a while to be hung, a long while in fact, as we are in need a new home with some empty walls. But in the meantime they are framed up and ready to go.

I have a friend moving house next weekend and I have promised myself that I will attempt a painting of her pet tortoise.  That said, I don't have high this space.

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