Saturday 22 June 2013

It's a tie.....!

Look at what I found today....A diamanté necklace in my beloved St Peters Hospice Bradley Stoke

It was in the window of the charity shop (at £6.50) and it just caught my eye. I instantly thought of a tuxedo jacket (which I still haven't yet found), slim cigarette style trousers and some silver heels.


I am dying to get it out the box and show it off but I have no idea when that will be. We are off to to the pub for tea tonight but I am not sure Wetherspoons is quite the right outlet for my eccentric dress sense.

Your time will come my lovely, your time will come........

1 comment:

  1. Mary has gone off to the Lake District today, having packed all her best Victorian outfits - so you should be able to wear a diamante tie to Wetherspoons!
