Wednesday 27 November 2013

What's a girl to do....

I tried, I really did.

These lovely beauties came into my life this week at work. First of all my initial thought was "god dammit, another refund killing our sales...". Then I made the mistake of opening the box on the way to put it in them stock room.  And therein lies the problem.

My size, my style, my everything. And even better? They were now in the sale so I could buy them for much cheaper than the original price.  My job does have a plus side. Sometimes. 

The majority of my shoe collection is still boxed up in the garage.......and the spare room......and the bedroom and so on and so on. I have genuinely forgotten many of them and it will be like Christmas when they are re-opened. 

Progress update on the house? ......slow but sure. It's hard working on anything on top of full time jobs, especially this time of year when your body seems to want to hibernate in front of whatever the wonderful BBC wants to project into your lounge. I am also an expert at procrastination, my husband isn't quite so bad which is a good thing. He will just crack on while I will just ponder the idea for the evening. So, for now, we are awaiting building regs permission to continue with building the en-suite before anything else can be done.  That means the dressing room is still not able to take shape, other than in my imagination. Still not sure if we will be back in our bedroom for Christmas but I shall remain hopeful that Santa will grant my wish. 

That said, I have had so many wonderful wishes come true in my life, maybe I am starting to use them up. Maybe it's not about wishing for things.....

It's about turning your dreams into reality yourself. 

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