Thursday 7 November 2013

Give it some wellie!

One of my frequent dilemma's is how to look a little smarter while walking my wolf. I have got into a terrible habit of not really caring what I look like when I take him out which is not good and very unlike me. After all, today could be the day when I bump into Hugh Jackman while out and how is he ever going to fall in love with me if I look like I'd just spent a week sleeping rough? 

So, in a bid to smarten myself up, I snapped up these smart wellies yesterday at our local charity shop when I popped into town. They were £5 and because are are fur-lined, they are super warm. At a glance, they look like smart brown boots which is ideal because it will encourage me to smarten up the rest of my dog-walking ensemble. So today, I tested them out for the first time and I wore them with thick black leggings and my black poncho and it looked much better. My normal look is scruffy jeans with holes in them (and the occasional paint splash) and my bright pink waterproof jacket (don't ask). So maybe that is the way to go moving forward.....dress the feet and the body will follow. 

Solo doesn't look too impressed though! 

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