Wednesday 6 November 2013

A nod to the Fonz......

Since we moved to Wales, the downpours have not ceased. Wave after wave of monsoon style floods that seem to fight us in every direction. Today is my day off and yet again, I am sat looking out onto a very dreary afternoon wondering if I will ever see the sun again.

That said, it is an amazing feeling to finally be here, in my own home, regardless of the weather or the mountain of DIY projects that keep impatiently tapping on my shoulder. We took root upon welsh soil just over a month ago and the house has certainly kept me busy and out of the charity shops on this side of the bridge. I have popped into my local ones in the town but only very quickly and not really with any genuine time for truffle hunting.  My charity shop of  choice - The St Peters Hospice has been replaced with the St David's Hospice, which seems to have a chain of shops here in South Wales.  The local one in the town is quite a large shop as it also stocks second hand furniture and to my surprise, a couple of weeks ago we saw a beautiful, retro Bosch fridge sitting proudly in their window, hoping for a new home, just like the picture below....

If I hadn't just adopted my Smeg fridge, I would have been sorely tempted but it was very expensive for a charity shop purchase and I am not sure they priced it correctly for the market that it was in.  It was around the £500 mark and no matter whether it was nearly new or even brand new, people don't spend at kind of money from electrical appliances in a charity shop. It wasn't in the window for long though and I would love to find out how much it actually sold for. 

Anyway, I digress. Again. 

This post is long overdue as I bought this jacket on my last pilgrimage to the bristol charity shops before we moved at the end of September. I found it in the St Peters Hospice in Downend, Bristol on their dedicated "retro rail" that seems to allow them to increase the prices ten-fold for merely employing the word retro. But anyway, love struck and that was that. A different style for me and I can't help thinking it is somewhat reminiscent of Arthur Fonzerelli in Happy Days (a black version obviously, I think his manhood would have been seriously questioned if he were caught in powder blue). Probably on the cusp of being too young a style for me now but I have a love affair with coloured leather and I am attracted to any leather that is out of the ordinary. I am still searching for a sunflower yellow leather pencil day I will get lucky. 

I haven't had chance to sport it as yet as I seem to have spent the last month in nothing but clothes fit for the builders yard (outside of work anyway) and I am dying to get back to my silly, eccentric self that has fun with fashion. That is, when we finish my dressing room and I can finally unpack my clothes and shoes. 

Do until that day, my lovely soft leather jacket will remain hung up and rearing to go. I may even call upon it for our Grease themed Christmas party at work. Just add a full circle skirt, polo neck jumper and neck scarf. Super cool.

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