Monday 3 March 2014

What Louisa did next...

I am always concerned with the fact that I don't have enough time to do the things I want to do (write a book, find a cure for cancer, circumnavigate the globe, learn to ballroom dance etc) ....the list goes on.

I recently spent the most wonderful week away from work and when I sat down to muse over what I had actually done, I realised that I do manage to pack in quite a lot. A million more things per day would be better, but for now, I shall settle for what I achieved in one week. So I  thought I would share my activities with your good selves in the form of a collage. 

You can't beat a good bit of digital scrapbooking. 

In list form, here is what I got up to:
  1. I dyed my hair red. Very red. To combat the evil clutches of the Grey Hair Lord that knocks on all our doors.
  2. I had secret cuddles with a neighbourhood cat (wolf safely at bay in the garden)
  3. I had lots more cuddles with my wolf to make up for the fact that I was being unfaithful with the neighbourhood cat.
  4. Some delicious tea and cake moments. Sometimes solitary, sometimes in good company.
  5. I made a bird feeder for the hoards of ravenous feathered visitors to Merchant-Locke Towers.
  6. I had a lovely massage courtesy of a girlie party at my friends house.
  7. I also cashed in my Christmas present from John and had a lovely morning of reflexology, my very favourite thing.
  8. I watched a couple of films and am now pleased that I know the story of the Great Gatsby, as it was not one of the classics I have ever read.
  9. John and I held our first official dinner party at home since moving and I was even allowed to cook. A great night (and late night) was had. 
  10. I spent a lovely day with my mum. We scoured charity shops and reclamation yards, did "ladies wot lunch", caught up about all things mum and daughter and generally had a lovely day.
  11. Enjoyed three evening with John at the Marriot St Pierre on Valentines day, one at Wongs restaurant for my stepfathers birthday and one at Zizzi's with my friend Jo. 
  12. Spent a wet and wonderful afternoon in the Wye valley with John and the dog doing the Wye Valley sculpture trail.
  13. Went to the garden centre and bought some starter kits for growing our own veg.....the greenhouse awaits! 
  14. We revamped some charity shop furniture to match our newly decorated lounge. A bit of spray paint and some spare material worked wonders.
  15. I invited my friend Ewa and her gorgeous son around for dinner. We go far too long in between catch ups. 
  16. And I convinced Jo to accompany me to the National Wildlife Photographer of the year exhibition that was in Bristol. A pilgrimage that I try and make every year. The photos are inspirational, educational,  sometimes sad but always stunningly beautiful and it makes you sick that you weren't brought up in he David Bailey household. 
So there you have it. I still would have liked to have squeezed in a few more things but it is still a list to be proud of. My next week off isn't until May, so I will try and accomplish even more then. Although if sunny, I shall be spending the whole week dans le jardin. 

1 comment:

  1. BTW, the Sculpture Trail is in the Forest of Dean, not the Wye Valley (unless there's another one of which I am unaware. If so, I apologise!)
