Friday 14 March 2014

Look what popped up...

"I'm sure I'll live to regret this but when you come to pick me up, you might want to leave a little earlier. A vintage pop-up shop has opened up down the road".

Famous last words.

I love pop-up shops. I love the idea that there were a redundant space one day and the next, "said space" is magically transformed into a totally different entity.  Surely that is the essence of recycling? Moulding something out of something else.  So leave early I did. I felt that it was my second-hand scourers duty to investigate.

The shop itself had been temporarily housed in the entrance of the old police station in the centre of Bristol. And considering the amount of treasures that were on display, the space had been used to its utmost.

Instantly I was greeted with a beautiful old style pram, a reconditioned rocking chair and a plethora of 1950's style kitchenware.  Delving deeper inside,  I found old photo frames, mirrors, a chaise longue ......the list goes on. And, at the back of the store, there it sat. A clothes rail jammed with goodies all waiting patiently for adoption.

I picked out three items (not fully considering the challenge of the make-shift changing area) but that did not dampen my resolve. I wriggled and squeezed  and pondered over three items and finally adopted two of them. A gorgeous suede skirt (my previous favourite suede skirt was stolen some years ago along with various other beautiful items) and a cobalt blue evening dress. And on the way to pay, a lovely bright pink pair of Mary Jane shoes caught my eye.  It mattered not that they were a size 7 (I am a questionable size 6), that's what inner soles are designed for.

The beautiful vintage finds were courtesy of Tombola Vintage and Doris Dave and the Flea who had teamed up to exhibit their vintage curios. The lovely Victoria Crotty who was running the show when I visited, was also offering vintage hairstyling which was taking place over the weekend, but my destiny for the weekend was already sadly pre-defined.........At work. But I did go home that day feeling like a little bit of the old me had returned. I dressed up especially to go rummaging, I came
upon some lovely new wardrobe additions and was lucky enough to admire and appreciate a newly defined (if not temporary) space dedicated to all things second-hand.

Viva le pop-up!

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