Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Red Shoes...

The Red Shoes is a somewhat dark fairy tale that was written by Hans Christian Anderson, the story then being loosely brought to life in a 1948 British feature film starring Moira Shearer and Anton Walbrook.

The tale tells of a peasant girl that was adopted by a rich older lady after her mothers death. The girl tricks her adoptive mother into buying her a new pair of red shoes "fit for a Princess", and promptly refuses to be parted from them, she even wears them proudly to church. Eventually, the shoes take over her life and she begins to lead a selfish  existence, only having love for the shoes and nothing or no one else. Ultimately (and rather sinisterly), the shoes take control and lead her to dance and dance and never stop, to the point where she begs to have her feet cut off just to rid herself of this "curse". 

I was always fascinated by the grim tale when I was younger but it didn't stop me longing for a pair of my own red shoes. Dorothy didn't help either with her sparkly pair! 

Now I have around 20 pairs ranging from burgundy and scarlet, and from pillar box red to crimson. Different styles, heels and purposes. None of which have thankfully taken control (as yet) and led me a merry dance. 

Red to me, as for many others, symbolises confidence, love, passion and happiness.  My stepfather would argue it prompts aggression however and grumbles every time either my mum or I wear it. All I know, despite the family conflicts it provokes, is that I instantly feel better when I am draped in that colour, more so than any other hue. Why? I don't know. I have always been attracted to it and probably always will. I am, after all, a Leo and we are not usually the shy and retiring folk that like to blend into the background with the grey and navy set.  That's not to say that I use it to specifically stand out and promote myself either. It is simply a gorgeous colour. To me, it's not worn enough and I think we all have a responsibility to colour our little part of the world, wherever that may be. 

These particular chaussures rouges are my newest acquisitions and were kindly bought by my lovely mum a few weeks ago when we spent a lovely mother-daughter day together.  We found them in the RSPCA charity shop in my home town of Weston-super-Mare. Originally from Topshop, that great British stalwart that supports the fashion addictions of our young generations (I, am sadly no longer a devotee but for their colourful and good quality footwear), they cost only £5.

 They're brand new, never worn and much loved. 

It's important to have passions though don't you think? Whether it be a pair of red shoes, dancing or even just a good cup of tea. 

Sometimes it's the littlest of things that can bring you the biggest of joys. 

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