Wednesday 19 August 2015

V for Victory...

Well hello there, it's been a while. 

The last few months have been a bit of a blur and I feel quite sad that we are already half-way through the month of August and as yet, no amount of good weather has befallen us (not for any length of time anyway).  We were so spoilt with summer last year, it left us daring to dream for more.  I watch with interest as our neighbours erect and dismantle their gigantic paddling pool, desperately trying to make the most of even the slightest amount of good weather, only to have to deflate it days later once it's turned green.

On the flip side, due to the lack of sun, we have ploughed on with our house, at least in planning terms, maybe not in actual 'doing' terms. We are at a massive DIY crossroads with Merlocke Manor. We find ourselves needing a new kitchen (which is a huge project in itself as we need to knock down an outside toilet on the side of the house in order to extend it). We knew this day would come but somehow we also find ourselves needing a new boiler, new windows and doors for the back of the house, oh and the ceiling fell down in our dining room.  Strangely all four jobs are inter-connected somehow and we really need to plan well as to what we do first as each job has a knock-on effect on the other.  So I am having to resign myself to the fact that my dream of a new kitchen for Christmas is slowly slipping through my fingers, especially if we are hoping to do the work ourselves. 

So last week on my day off, a little down in the doledrums and full of a cold, I took myself of to Chepstow for lunch (in the pouring rain) and thought I would have a mooch around the charity shops.  Just in case.....

To my delight, I found 6 items and all in all spent less than £20 (my usual budget when I trawling for bargains).  A lovely M&S Speziale  black dress that was £5 (well over £100 new according their website), and a very feminine wrap top, again from M&S.  Also a vintage Dorothy Perkins  dove grey and black mackintosh and two tops for every day in addition to the one pictured.   This one, granted, is very plain but it has some gentle studding detail around the v-neck, great for a simple tea down the pub. I paired it with my dark blue jeans and very, very old beloved M&S camel boots that are nearing their 15th birthday soon and still going strong. 

I have found myself getting very good at burying my DIY head in the sand.  As soon as I can persuade my long suffering husband to take some photos, I shall write about the other jewels and some other bits besides.....

And at some point, if you are really privileged, I may even tell you the story of how our ceiling fell down.

You lucky people you.

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