Wednesday, 9 January 2013

She wore blue velvet.....(sort of)

Evening all,
It's been a busy week this week so shame on me for not posting much.  I wanted to post a few pics of my velvet jackets. As per most of the things I love, I would ideally like one in every colour but unless we win the lottery and move to a much bigger house, that just ain't gonna happen! So for now I shall  be content with just 3.  All second-hand and from charity shops (of course). The black one is around 15 years old and was originally from Jaeger. I wear it to death and it is still standing. The green and wine coloured ones were more recent. I would love to find a deep red velvet jacket or even bright blue. That would be perfect but you doe seem to find them more in darker, muted colours. They are popular finds and there always seems to be plenty around in second-hand land! 

1 comment:

  1. I did see a couple of nice tweedy jackets in Monmouth yesterday, but the nicest one was size 14, so probably too big. It was £4.99 (that one penny is so important, isn't it?) and the label said Alexon, which means nothing to me, peasant as I am!
