Thursday, 31 January 2013

Charity begins at home...

I came across this interesting article on the wondrous BBC website recently, asking the question whether charity shops have been inflating their prices of late.

Charity Shop Blues

I have to say I have certainly noticed this (speaking from experience) as I have been a thrifter for nearly 20 years now. The shops in Bristol have definitely "wised" up to the competition with sites like eBay and Etsy attracting a large amount of their customers now.  TV programmes also play their part with series like Downton Abbey and Mr Selfridge gracing our screens in all their vintage glory so I think more people are on the hunt for that beautiful one-off piece.

With two universities, Bristol has a massive student population who are often the ambassadors of shabby chic. They seem to instinctively know how to hunt down a £4 outfit and although often just thrown together, they somehow make it look cool. And I do think that charities know that in certain affluent areas shall we say, they know they can inflate prices a little to target the appropriate audience. I have definitely paid more for a dress in Clifton than I have in Fishponds.

Ultimately, there are in business to make money just like any other retail outfit. Without many charity shop networks, certain charities just would not be able to do all the good work that they do today. They depend so heavily on the donations from the likes of you and me.

The article is really thought provoking though and gives an interesting time line of early clothes exchanges to the present day so click on the link above if you are interested!

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