Saturday, 2 March 2013

Re-claim and Re-love

It has been a sad week this week as our shop approaches closure and one by one my Wallis family are coming to terms with the fact that we may no longer have jobs. The job issue is of course scary but the underlying upset of our family being forcibly split up is much harder. So I have neglected my blog somewhat as I try to concentrate on sad friends and the even sadder concept of unemployment.

That said, I ignored the job search on my day off (nothing like denial to lend some perspective) and spent the morning with my friend Ewa, scouring around an old reclamation yard in Bristol. I haven't been to one for years (usually down to my huge fear of spiders) but she fancied a trip there and I was apply to go along.  And I am so glad I did, I had forgotten what wonderful Aladdin's caves they can be.

Straight away, I spied a red and gold velvet chaise longue which was not in my price bracket....not even in the neighbourhood of my price bracket unfortunately. But.....I did hunt out some other tiny treasures on a more manageable budget of £10.

This lovely window pane caught my eye. I am unsure as yet as to what it's purpose will be other than just sitting pretty but I am thinking of making a stand for it to sit in and putting a candle behind it. 

It needs light behind it in some fashion and I don't fancy the riskiness of hanging it on a window or door. Not with three kids and a wolf in the house. 

These two ceramic door plates also called out to me. I have threaded them with ribbon so that I can hang them somewhere but I plan to decorate them in some way. I am considering painting some French wording on them but I want it to be perfect so I shall ponder some more on the exact lettering. Watch this space...... 

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