Thursday, 20 February 2014

A long time coming......

I should have written about this cape a long time ago so apologies to my lovely friend Jo (and her sister Emma), who very thoughtfully bought me this beautiful cape for my 40th last year.  A cape had been on my wish list for some time (as I had written previously), but I had not been lucky enough to find a black one as lovely as this.  They did, and bought it in a charity shop in the Cotswolds while on a weekend away.  Being a present, I dont know the price but Jo assured me that she had done her research and the label "After Shock" was apparently a very good name in capes of this kind.

An opportunity to wear it had not come forward until Valentines Day last week when my lovely husband took me out for a meal.  On our way in and out of Caldicot, the little town we now call home, we drive past a lovely hotel - Marriot St Pierre Hotel & Country Club, that was quickly added to my list of places to visit.   And last Friday, I was lucky enough to cross it off my list as I ditched the DIY gear for the chance of a date with John.

These photo's aren't great (I am in them after all) but they show off the item in question at least.  I wore the gorgeous cape over top of my cheonsam (chinese dress) which seem to make a perfect pair.  A cape of this kind could only be properly worn with certain items such as evening dresses or maybe smart tapered trousers. I couldn't imagine wearing it with a full skirt for example.

It is so soft and although the pictures don't show it, it has a lovely rippled fake fur effect with diagonal detail stitched all over it.  Just lovely. And after a wonderful evening and far too much food and drink for that kind of dress, I reluctantly replaced it back in my dressing room, pondering over when our next rendezvous would be.

Soon I hope.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Yet again I find myself apologising for my lack of blog activity. It has been too long and I have missed transmitting to the void (and to my handful of loyal followers).

My life has become a continuous stream of colour charts, inspirational doodles in my ever growing notebook and paint splattered hair. The house and it's all encompassing workload is starting to consume me. The dressing room that I had dreamt of has been neglected as I find myself in a vicious circle of DIY attire and no time nor money (to go out) with which to put it to good use. 

I try to spend time however, in the inner sanctum every day, even if it is just a cherished five minutes, tea in hand, where I an reflect about the day ahead, or the day that has just passed. Almost every item holds a memory, good or bad (although I am happy to report there aren't many bad ones). I tend to form an unhealthy attachment to my clothes and look upon them as old friends or new friendships yet to develop. 

When you are constantly occupied as I seem to be it is all to easy to forget to make the effort and still dress up.  Too many times have I caught myself "popping" to B&Q in my scruffs, repeatedly telling myself that it's ok because we are working on the house.  

Audrey Hepburn will be turning in her beautiful grave.

So, when the  rare opportunity arose a couple of weeks ago to pop to our neighbouring city of Cardiff for the afternoon, I ran upstairs to the dress section and began scanning for a suitable piece. The one I chose is below. 

The classic wrap dress (a curvy girls best friend), in a black and white geometric print.  This was originally a supermarket dress but I found it in a charity shop and paid around £3 for it. I don't tend to wear a lot of black but black and white I like. Classic, easy, versatile. And any excuse to dig out my favourite black and white Great Gatsby style heels is a bonus.

Now me being moi, I didn't quite bank of the gale force winds that battered us all around Cardiff bay and so my choice of outfit was debatable. Especially by John who tried very hard not to berate me too much for dressing inappropriately. Again. 

But any dress was a welcome change from the dirt, paint and dust covered uniform that has become my staple outfit. Gale force 9 or otherwise. 

Now if you can excuse me, the tip beckons.